

JIVo Strategic Partners Inc. was formed by husband and wife team Julie and Ian Vogt in 2017.

Julianne Vogt, BSc, MBA, CPA, CMA

Julie has spent over 26 years helping businesses improve their bottom lines, maximize return to shareholders, and create sustainable business models flexible to withstand the test of time. In her later career, Julie is focused on Executive Management and strategy for a variety of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations.

Strongly believing in strategy mapping as an effective work horse to guide staff at all levels toward success, Julie has introduced this practice to her own firms and not-for-profits she has worked with. The results have been noteworthy -- taking stagnant or declining organizations and improving performance by creating a strong team all rowing in the same direction and using identical oars. A clear vision and consistent application of strategy through board changes, funding challenges, and executive departures will ensure that your organization thrives in our fluid world.

A key to Julie's success is her ability to form relationships at all levels of a company. She believes that work should be fun (most of the time) and brings a unique sense of humour to her stakeholders. An employee in her 40s once told her, "For the first time in my life, I enjoy coming to work."

Julie's results in a variety of assignments have earned her the reputation of a turn-around specialist, an "inside-outsider." A client put it best: "Julie really feels your business." She will bring the same passion she wakes up with every day to your business.

Ian Vogt, BASc, MASc

With over 37 years of experience in systems design and software development, Ian brings a view of the big picture and a focus on details to bear on any project. He has a particular talent for coming up to speed on existing systems and fitting new solutions in to an existing architecture. It is not always feasible to rework a product from square one.

While Ian's recent work has focused on real-time, high availability systems for aviation support and air traffic control, these skills are applicable to the modern business environment.

Ian's design philosophy uses a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. He decomposes requirements to constituent functions from the top down. Then, Ian starts implementation with the highest risk components so any need to adjust the design is caught at the earliest opportunity.

When debugging complex software systems, Ian approaches every issue much like a forensic investigator. He collects all available information and then develops, and tests, theories about the cause(s). Much like the fictional character Gil Grissom, Ian "follows the evidence" to find the most effective resolution.